Impact  Accelerator

Unleash Your Inner Power, Build Unstoppable Confidence, and Create a Life of Impact and Purpose.

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Do you struggle with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and feeling like you don't deserve success?

Your limiting beliefs and negative self-talk are holding you back from achieving your goals and making a positive impact on the world.

The Confident Woman Impact Accelerator was designed specifically for ambitious women who want to break free from self-doubt and become the best version of themselves.

With expert guidance and interactive lessons, you'll learn how to boost your confidence, increase your self-worth, and create the life you've always wanted.

I’m Ready to Take Charge of My Life!

Transform Your Life with

The Confident Woman

Impact Accelerator

The 8-week course is designed to empower women to overcome limiting beliefs, build confidence, and create a vision for their life. We'll help you build a strong foundation for creating impact in your community and give you the tools you need to take action on it.

Limiting beliefs stop here.



The Confident Woman Impact Accelerator empowers women to reach their full potential and make a positive impact on others. Here's what you'll get:

  • Personal growth, leadership, and community impact training
  • Tools and strategies to align your choices with your goals and values
  • 8 weekly lessons with expert and peer support
  • Overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs

Join the Impact Accelerator today and become The Confident Woman you were created to be.

I’m Ready. Let's Do This!

Developing a Growth Mindset & Overcoming Limiting Beliefs. Get to know yourself. Learn how to tune it all out and turn your attention inward to help you stay motivated and focused.

Identifying Personal Strengths & Passions. Discover your unique strengths and talents, recognize your passions and values, and learn how to leverage them to achieve your goals.

Create a Vision for the Life You Want to Live. Learn how to develop a clear and compelling vision for your life, identify your purpose and mission, and set long-term goals to achieve them.

Setting Achievable Goals & Creating Action Plans. Learn to set goals that align with your vision and mission, develop action plans to achieve them, and overcome obstacles that can hinder your progress.

Building Effective Communication Skills. Learn to develop effective communication skills, learn how to communicate assertively and confidently, and build positive relationships while managing conflicts.

Practicing Self-Care & Prioritizing Your Health and Well-Being. Learn the importance of self-care, prioritize your health and well-being, develop daily self-care habits and routines to help you stay on course.

Developing Positive Self-Talk & Visualization Techniques. Learn how to develop positive self-talk and affirmations, visualize success, and achieve your goals while increasing your confidence and reducing fear and anxiety.

Overcoming Fear & Anxiety and Building Self-Confidence and Resilience. Learn to identify and overcome fear and anxiety, build self-confidence and resilience, celebrate your successes, and embrace your strengths.

Powered by CYP Club

The Confident Woman Impact Accelerator is partnered with Columbus Young Professionals Club to bring guided resources to young professionals in Central Ohio and beyond. 

I believe every woman has the potential for greatness, and I'm committed to helping you unlock yours. 




Join a supportive community of like-minded women who are on a journey to become confident, impactful leaders. Our group coaching sessions provide a safe space where you can share experiences, ask questions, and learn from guest experts, leaders, and coaches.

Weekly coaching calls offer personalized support to help you gain a deeper understanding of the weekly topic and how to apply it to your life. Plus, you'll receive weekly lessons and exercises to complete at your own pace.

Our community is here to support, encourage, and hold you accountable as you work towards your goals. 

Let's build confidence and make a positive impact together.

Hey there!

I'm Rachel Brooks, an award-winning author, podcaster, and founder of The Confident Woman, a lifestyle and media brand dedicated to empowering women to create lasting change from within. I am passionate about helping women overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs and build confidence to accelerate their personal and professional growth.

We often define ourselves by our achievements, but we are so much more than that. By letting go of who we think we should be, we can become who we are meant to be - The Confident Woman. 



My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself in all aspects of life. Through the Impact Accelerator program, we provide you with a supportive community, tools, and resources to transform your life by fostering a healthy body, a positive mindset, and a soul filled with self-love and gratitude.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and leadership, and together, let's create a life of impact and purpose as The Confident Woman.

Join me!

No matter where you are on your journey, you are not alone. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth together, and boldly step into The Confident Woman we're created to be.

X0 - Rachel



Are you tired of feeling stuck and unfulfilled?

Our program is designed to help you unlock your full potential, gain clarity on your purpose, and create a plan to achieve your goals with confidence.

In our community you will receive:

     - Weekly accountability from content experts and your peers
    - Weekly LIVE conversations and coursework on topics designed to help you elevate your life goals
    - A supportive community of like-minded women to connect with and share experiences
    - Personalized assessments and feedback to help you track your goals and progress
 Join us and become The Confident Woman you were meant to be.

You are not meant to do life alone.

We are better together.


One-time fee to access our 8-week program and community.

  • Access to 8 weekly lessons
  • Access to weekly group coaching calls
  • Impact Accelerator workbook
  • Membership platform to host all materials in one place
  • Feedback, support, and encouragement to help you reach your goals
Join us and become the confident and impactful woman you were meant to be.


If you aren’t completely satisfied with the Impact Accelerator, let us know within the first 7 days for a full refund. No questions asked.